Human Sexuality 1
This course will be available Jan 1-31. This webshop provides an overview of human sexuality and body autonomy. It is important to recognize how cultural differences impact the interpreting needs.
This course will be available Jan 1-31. This webshop provides an overview of human sexuality and body autonomy. It is important to recognize how cultural differences impact the interpreting needs.
This course will be available March 1-31. This module is an introduction to pharmacology and how medications impact the body.
This 20 hour module provides sign language interpreters the foundational understanding of healthcare systems. It will cover the additional barriers Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing individuals experience and how those impact health outcomes.
Cultural competencies are essential when interpreting between people of varying cultures. It is important to recognize how cultural differences impact the interpreting needs. This webshop was designed with Najma Johnson. It provides an overview of structures of oppression and privilege using the theory of kyriarchy. It also discusses intersectionality in the Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing communities.
Birth Companions: Perspectives on Doulas and Nurse Midwives in ASL and English. A creation of the College of St. Catherine in partnership with SLICES, LLC.
The contents of this project were developed under a grant from the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Rehabilitation Services Administration and you should not assume endorsement by the […]
View presentation and handouts
To access the webshop: Scroll down below to ‘Join the webshop’
Microaggressions are […]
Self-care for sign language interpreters is critical during any time and the need is exacerbated by a pandemic. Learn strategies and insights from Dr. Ayo Gooden, an African-centered Black psychologist with wisdom for everyone.
Wooden Blocks with the text: Trauma
Registration will re-open on December 1st, 2020.
Registration is now open!
Deaf, DeafBlind and hard of hearing communities experience trauma at higher rates than hearing individuals. They also face additional barriers to accessing behavioral health services.
This webshop will give you tools to start becoming a trauma-informed practitioner, covering:
Cultural competencies are essential when interpreting between people of varying cultures. It is important to recognize how cultural differences impact the interpreting needs. This webshop was designed with Najma Johnson. It provides an overview of structures of oppression and privilege using the theory of kyriarchy. It also discusses intersectionality in the Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing communities.
There are a shortage of interpreters trained and qualified to work in addiction recovery settings. This webshop will introduce information about addiction, recovery settings, and the journey of recovery in the Deaf community to help interpreters decide if this specialty is a good fit for them. Then, interpreters will learn about resources to help them continue their education to become qualified. Registration to enroll will be available February 1 to February 29, 2020.