Module Dates: March 22-April 23, 2021
Are you interested in doing ASL interpreting work in addiction and recovery settings, but want more foundation before you start? Have you been in this setting but are ready to deepen your knowledge to be more effective in the work? This module was designed with contributions from Keven Poore, Dr. Deb Guthmann, and Arlyn Anderson, and covers a wide range of topics to help you start developing best practices in this area.
This module will cover:
- Language considerations, including common vocabulary and interpreting strategies.
- Theories of addiction and recovery to help you frame the goals of each setting.
- Information about the recovery experience of addicts who are Deaf.
- An overview of the most common addiction and recovery settings that may be encountered.
- Healthy self-care practices to help us do behavioral health work.
- Suggestions for further training.
Learning happens through video lectures, discussion boards, and knowledge check-ins (activities).
Our consumers, both hearing and Deaf, deserve interpreters who are qualified in this work so that consumers have their best chance for recovery. We look forward to seeing you in the module!
Module activities include:
- Studying content in ASL and written English
- Responding to topics in ASL and/or written English
- Self-reflection
- Analysis of ASL translation work
- Quizzes
- Flash card practice
Mini-lectures throughout the modules are presented in ASL.
Time commitment
This module will require about 20 hours of work. There are no set meeting times, but topics are opened weekly to give participants richer discussion and learning opportunities. All work must be completed by 11:59pm on April 23. No extensions will be offered. See Course Outline below for an overview of the course.
Technology requirements
Modules are offered through Canvas online learning management system.
- You must have high-speed internet access and a tablet or computer that supports:
- Ability to work online and type or video record discussion posts.
- Ability to record videos.
- Ability to upload videos to YouTube for sharing with others in Canvas.
- Ability to access streamed video content.
Registration requirements
To register, participants must:
- Work in the United States or U.S. territories
- Hold RID, NAD, or BEI certification
- Have a minimum of 3 years interpreting experience
Note: No exceptions to the registration requirements can be made due to our agreement with RSA. Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) is the federal department that funds our project and it is in our agreement that the CATIE Center Behavioral Health Interpreting modules be limited to those with national certification. National certification is defined as RID, BEI, and NAD.